Simplicity #1061 Sew Along

Friday, January 8, 2010

The job of a fit model

I started teaching my fitting class this week, and it's always fun to start with a new group of students that are excited about the prospect of sewing well fitting clothing.

One of the first things we discuss is the role of a fit model, and how it relates to the fit of clothing (or a pattern). In ready-to-wear, a company refines the fit of a new design around a particular body type from their customer base they consider average. Fit models can come from an agency, or they advertise to find a person to fit that criteria. For some companies, their fit model is sometimes considered highly classified information. Even the most exquisitely made outfit would look awful if it didn't fit, so we the public buy clothes mostly based on the fit, right? They are after the kind of fit model that will encourage sales, and as long as they stick with the same fit model, it's assumed that you will buy again. Fit is a pretty important element.

For sewing patterns, it's only slightly different. Though you can alter the fit or look however you like, I still have to start with a good fit for someone. So, I've been looking for a fit model. Again. It's harder to do than you might imagine. So who is really 'average' may I ask? Is there really such a thing? Three people with the same measurements can be very differently proportioned. Narrow back, wide in the hips, flat rear, broad shoulders, high bust, short waist, thin neck. There are any number of combination's.

The whole ordeal only proves my conviction that the best answer to the fit question is to get people sewing for themselves.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Announcement Time

Time to announce the winners of the pattern give away. Is everyone on the edge of their seat?? As I watched my humble list of (2) followers grow through the month, I admit to peeking around your profiles to see what sites you like to follow and what some of you blog about. I was completely inspired by you, and the great vintage/retro and sewing blogs that are out there. Thank you for sharing with me.

The worst part about doing this is that I hated leaving anyone out when I'd really rather give a pattern away to everyone. If only it could be that easy. I hope you winners will determine to make this pattern up this year (I know how the projects can pile up on you!) and post photos for us on your blog, at Sew Retro or on the FB fan page (let me know!!). This isn't a pattern for total beginners, so please contact me if you run into trouble!

In no particular order, here are the five pattern winners in which my hearty congratulations go to:

Faye Lewis
Katie Jones
Miss Emmi
Sew Great To Be Me

I have one more pattern I call Constance, #8404, to give away. I'll do that giveaway through Sew Retro, I think, so you retro girls stay tuned!

Of course all these patterns are available for purchase on my website,
and you are welcome to join my mailing list at Sew Chic to get official news of sales and events.

Happy 2010, and KEEP sewing!